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Construction Monitoring

Automating sub-249g drones​ for weekly progress monitoring with personnel on site

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“The ability to automate micro drones has been a game changer, and has allowed us to scale the drone program to most of our sites using the personnel already on site.”
- Federico Pensa, Innovation Director, Magil Construction

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Magil Construction
General Contractor

Magil Construction is a general contractor with projects across Canada. They have an internal drone program flying weekly progress monitoring missions on active sites for improving project management processes and quality control. Captured data is processed in Pix4D into high resolution maps, and 3D models, and shared online between all team members.

Advantages of
Sub-249g Drones 

Automating micro drones allowed the program to expand easily, due to less strict regulations, lower costs, safer operations on active sites, and easy deployment and pilot onboarding. Personnel on site simply execute pre-planned missions on a weekly basis.

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Explore Magil's Standard Mission Plan

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Multi-User Operations Management

Multi-user Dronelink accounts enable missions to be created the BIM team, and are executed by users on site. New plans can be accessed, run and edited by other users. A history of flights can also be tracked or integrated with other tools to help with operations management.

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Combine Multiple Mission Types for Any Need

Magil's team creates multiple missions for each project that are run depending on the need. A standard mission is flown weekly and consists of a NADIR cross-hatch grid map combined with oblique interval photos from an orbit or spiral for improved 3D modeling. Other missions include a quick 5 photo mission, a pre-concrete slab pour mission, or specific video or improved 3D modeling missions.

Restriction Zones for Improved Safety

Projects within complex downtown environments and many obstacles benefit from using  restriction zones, a feature in Dronelink to define custom no-fly zones that are helpful when resuming missions safely.

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